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Just last year, Pope Francis, TIME Magazine's 'Man of the Year,' listed ten tips to bringing joy in life: to live and let live; be giving of yourself to others; proceed calmly in life; have a healthy sense of leisure; spend Sundays with family; empower youth; respect and care for nature; stop being negative; respect the beliefs of other people; and work for peace.  The key to happiness, according to Francis, is not found through working to make ourselves happy, but by being a generous srouce of love, joy, and care to other people.  Join us in this session as we celebrate you, equipping you to celebrate others.


Josh Canning is the national director for Alpha for Catholics. After falling away from the Christian faith in his youth, he experienced a powerful conversion at Martyr Shrine in Midland, Ontario, leading him into a life of service and ministry in the Church. 


After being a university campus minister for 7 years, he went on to work at Alpha, where he works to help Catholic communities to share the love of God more easily and with everyone. He lives in Toronto with his wife Lisa and their 5 young children. 

Everyday we are bombarded by advertisments that tell us that in order to be more popular, more attractive, more cool, more, more, more...we have to have more.  Who has the money for more, anyway? Who has the time to go out and get all of these things, and use all of these things, anyway? Who really cares aout all of these things, anyway? Contrary to what the media tell us each day about what we need to be happy, since 2009 the Mood Disorders Society of Canada has reported that people, not products, are the real factors related to good health and happiness.  Will you accept the challenge to cut out 30 minutes of your time this weekend to avoid shopping, put away your mirror, turn off your cell phones, and experience the joy that comes simply through being fully present to the presence of others? 

Braden Kuntz is a musician, singer, youth minister and speaker from Regina, Saskatchewan. He has been in active ministry for three years and has found a love for serving Christ and His Church as well as all those who are searching for something more. He loves to share his gift of music and personal stories with youth.

Coming from a musical family, Braden was surrounded by music from a very young age and is excited to be able to share his gift of music with the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith.

Choose from any one of these afternoon workshops

When you hear the wors 'sexy,' what is the first thing that comes to mind?  Did that question just make you giggle, or blush with embarrasement?  Or did you start thinking about your celebrity crush-bet you're blushing now, aren't you?  Some might think that it's strange that one four-letter word can stir up so many emotions in us; but it really isn't strange at all.  The body is a beautifil and a powerful creation, it is a mystery really.  This women's session will explore this great mystery of the beauty and power of womanhood like...actually, the less we reveal now, the mre you can wonder!

Adele Costanza was born and raised in Ottawa, ON. She served with NET Ministries of Canada for 3 years. She travelled across Canada for two of those years and her third year brought her to Yellowknife. She fell in love with the city, the people and the land. 

Two years later (Jan 2013) God called her back up North to work as the Youth Coordinator for the Diocese. Adele fell loves the outdoors and continues to discover the beauty of the Northern land and falls more in love with it each day.

Chuck Norris, William Wallace (Braveheart), Adam Levine, McDreamy, Channin Tatum, Pharrell Williams, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bradley Cooper.  There have been many different ideas about the expectation and standard of 'manliness,' especially in the past century.  As a result, expectations about what it means to be a real man, have changed.  Still, certain qualities continue to defin masculinity. gentlemen, come one come all and let's decide what a real man is.

Workshop led by Garth Brasseur

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